Why You Would Want To Be A Carolina Morning Affiliate

  • Help a small (woman owned) company devoted to green practices and to spreading mindful living across the globe.
  • We work with both online and offline affiliates (yes we’re talking to you yoga studios!) 
  • 12% commission referrals on most items
  • Your referrals don’t need to rush, if they buy something within 30 days through your referral link, we’ll give you the commission.  
  • We support all our affiliates with a dedicated staff, and we provide incentives for top affiliates to reward their hard work such as larger commissions and exclusive offers. 
  • Dashboard to create affiliate links, track clicks, and conversions that result in affiliate commissions. 

Product Commission Rates

Products Commission Rate
Eco Squares 8%
Eco Rail Kits 8%
Wool/Kapok Futon 8%
Eco Backrest 8%
Bulk Buckwheat Hulls 5%
Bulk Kapok 5%
Rest of Products 12%

Here’s How the Affiliate Program Works

  • Apply for the Affiliate Program
    • Once you apply, we will review your application and we’ll let you know if you’re accepted. Please make sure to include any details you think it’s important to share with us. 
    • Once you are accepted as a Carolina Morning Affiliate, we will provide you with a link or a code to track your referrals.
  • Get paid monthly
    • Any successful order that passes 35 day grace period will be accredited to your payout.
    • Why 35 days? We need to ensure there no returns of an order.


Guidelines and Agreement

General Terms

  • In order to become an Affiliate you must be over the age of 18 (or an adult for the purposes of applicable law in the jurisdiction in which you live, if this age is over 18) and you must be capable of entering into a binding legal agreement with us.
  • Must be a United States citizen
  • Your application should include how you plan to market your Carolina Morning Designs’ Affiliate partnership, with a brief explanation of why you think it is relevant to a Carolina Morning Designs audience, and you should update us as soon as possible as and when you add a new website to your profile or when any of your details change.
  • If we accept you as an affiliate then you agree that  a) you may not transfer or assign your account or associated information to any other person to use such account or associated information; and  b) you will remain bound by the obligations in the affiliate terms, that our acceptance of you does not constitute a waiver of any of our rights under said affiliate terms.
  • You may post your affiliate code/links on any social media, but we reserve the rights limit those who abuse this opportunity.
  • The Affiliate program does NOT include wholesale orders.
  • You can take any images and copy off our website to use in selling our products. Download these images to your computer. If you discontinue selling CMD products you must remove all images and copy promptly from your website.
  • We reserve the right to refuse to accept you as an Affiliate for any reason in our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to terminate your participation at any time without notice, should we decide that your website is or has become unsuitable for Carolina Morning Designs’ Affiliate Program. If we terminate your participation, commissions due to you may be voided
  • Affiliate terms can change without notice, and we reserve the right to terminate any Affiliate for any reason, if we believe the Affiliate hurt our brand. Any termination will forfeit any active unpaid commission.


  • We shall pay you a sale commission on each qualifying sale made from our website. All commissions are calculated based on the actual purchase price, exclusive of sales taxes and shipping fees.
  • A sale is accredited to your account once it passes a 35 day grace period to ensure there are no chargebacks, refunds, or returns of any kind. If a sale isn’t successful for whatever reason after 35 days, it will not be accredited to your account.
      • We send commission payment once per month for each month your earnings total $100 or more. If your commission earnings are less than $100 for any particular month, they will carry over to the next month.
      • Once you become an Affiliate Partner, you will be required to fill out a W-9. If commission values are $600 or more per year, you will be issued a 1099-MISC form.
      • You will not receive commissions for products you purchase for personal use.


Affiliate Sign Up

If you are interested in becoming a partner, please register at below link:

Register a new affiliate account

Thank you!